Friday, May 18, 2012

Circle Tree and Area & Perimeter Robots!

 We have been working on our geometry unit in math the past couple weeks, which has been a nice change for my kiddos after all the division! 

One of our lessons was on circles, which we used to create this fabulous circle tree for our door!

The kids drew circles with a compass on green construction paper and then cut them out. Then they drew and labeled the center, a radius, a diameter, and a chord. They also measured the radius and figured out how they could find the length of the diameter without measuring.
After the lesson I had them back their circles on lime green construction paper, which I used to make our tree!

Then, later this week, we made the area and perimeter robots from Ashleigh's (Ashleigh's Education Journey) Fun with Perimeter and Area Packet! The kids had SO much fun on their mission to make a robot!!

 Still missing a couple in this photo

"Time to dig samples!"

We have our geometry test next week and then we will be moving on to fractions!
And Hershey bars!
I will be posting about that as soon as we do it! :)


  1. Love the tree and the robots! Very creative :)

    The Second Grade Superkids

  2. Love these! I am teaching area and perimeter next week. Since we are switching to common core next year, it's something my kiddos would miss with the way our curriculum is now. I am definitely going to have to make the robots!!

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  3. Your tree is super cute!! I love the idea of incorporating art to teach math! My son always has the most fun and retains the most when he does stuff like this in his class. It has been a while since I have had to teach any math - but I will certainly bookmark this for later (-;

    The 3AM Teacher
    Visit The 3AM Teacher FB Page

  4. I love how you have made "cute" things- in a way that still makes the kids learn. This is why I love your blog! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. Love the robots. What a cute idea!!


  6. Hi Molly! I love the tree. What a fabulous idea and so much fun for your students. Thanks for sharing!!


  7. If I had a 4th grade teacher like you I probably would like geometry a lot more!

    Swersty’s Swap Shop

  8. Hey Molly! I love the area/perimeter robots! You have wonderful ideas!!!

    One Teacher's Take
