Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Geometry Fun!

Yesterday we had our review for geometry, and since there are so many fun, engaging activities for students to do with geometry, we tried a couple of them out!

One of the main focuses of our geometry chapter is solid figures, so I had my students work in groups and each choose a different solid figure that we had learned. They had to choose solid figures that did not have curved surfaces.

Once each student picked their figure, they had to come up and tell me how many vertices (gum drops) and edges (pretzels) that they needed to make it!

Then the fun began!


They turned out really great and the kids had so much fun making them!

And of course when they were done...
they had no problem "destroying" and eating them!

Afterwards we "took our learning outside" thanks to Jennifer Runde's idea!
My kiddos made angles and polygons in the grass using their bodies!

Here is a rhombus that some of my students made!

Looking forward to our field day on Friday!!!


  1. Too fun!!! We are done:((( I'm so sad. I cried myself sick yesterday! So many needy is report cards, pack up, and meetings. Will be chatting with ya soon:) Have a great rest of your week:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Thanks, Molly! I could use one of those yummy 3D solids right now!!!

    Runde's Room

  3. That is super clever and fun looking!!! :)

  4. Thanks for compiling your ideas! I love all the interactive learning!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. We made 3D figures using gumdrops and pretzels a few weeks ago! They had wayyyyy too much fun with it! For the faces, we dipped the figures in a bucket of half-water, half-Dawn (the blue kind) to form the faces out of bubbles. You can then use a straw to gently blow out the bubbles that form in the middle of the shape so that the faces become flat. (And they did NOT eat those ones, hahaha.) Thanks for sharing!
