Thursday, May 10, 2012

Buttons, Ambassadors & Video Chats!

I love buttons!

I have been wanting to make these all year, but didn't have access to a button-maker. . . 
until today!

I whipped these up this afternoon for my classroom ambassadors!

The buttons have shamrocks because that is our school symbol!

 After discussing different character traits at the beginning of the year, I talk to my students about classroom ambassadors. We start with the word "ambassador," which is (according to google dictionary)

  1. An accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.
  2. A person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity.

We talked about how ambassadors are very important and highly respected because they are representatives for their countries or organizations. We also discussed why we need classroom ambassadors. They are the first members of our classroom to greet guests who come to visit throughout the year. After discussing the duties of our class ambassadors, I give all students the opportunity to apply for the position. It is not required and it is something to be completed outside of class because I only want students who are really interested and will use their own time to complete the application.
You can click on the picture to get the application for free from my tpt store!

I LOVE giving my students this opportunity and I always make a big deal out of it when I announce the students who will be class ambassadors for the year. They are always so excited and proud of themselves! And now I will have these snazzy buttons for them to wear when they are doing their job! I don't usually say ahead of time how many ambassadors we will have... it depends on the number of applications and the students who I believe I can trust to be responsible. This year I have 4. I have the ambassadors go 2 at a time, so I paired them up with a partner and we just alternate the students each time we have a guest. I also schedule a time during recess or lunch to walk them through what I expect of them, from meeting our guests to giving the tour, and they get to practice several times before we have a "real" guest!

On another note, we have had extra excitement in our class the last couple days because we had a VIDEO CHAT with other 4th graders all the way across the county in Florida!!!

We "met up" with my sweet friend (and AMAZING teacher!) Tara from 4th Grade Frolics and her wonderful class!
4th Grade Frolics
After I posted about my students writing pourquoi tales, Tara had the fabulous idea of having a video chat so that my students could read their pourquoi tales to her students, who were just going to be starting to write their own! A few days later (and with the help of her wonderful daughter!) we had our video chat up and running!!! It was such a great experience and my kiddos were SO excited to be able to share their stories with other 4th graders in another state! Some of them had never had a video chat before, so they were beyond amazed that we were looking at and talking to kids were were 3 hours ahead of us! Once they got over their nerves they were all smiles!! 

Now I am excited to hear Tara's students' pourquoi tales when they are done writing them!!
I'm sure they will be fabulous!


  1. Hey buddy,
    We had a blast too!! My kids are so excited to get theirs done so they can share with your class:) Some may be a little too excited and flying through the we're fixing them:) Hoping the internet connection will be a little better next time! Thanks for hanging in there and your patience:) Love your buttons and the classroom ambassador idea (as usual you have awesome ideas!!!)

    Chat soon! Text me:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  2. The buttons are super cute. Where do you get a button maker? That seems like it could be a lot of fun.

    ~April @

  3. Congrats! I've given you the One Lovely Blog award. Stop by my blog to check out all the details.

  4. April,

    Our school is able to use a public school district's resource center twice a year, and they have a button maker, laminators, and every die cut imaginable!! I just have to plan ahead what I'm going to make when we get to go! I already have some ideas in store for next time! :)

  5. I love the class ambassador buttons and application. I am popping over from A Teacher's Treasure giveaway to say hi and follow your blog.
    First Class Teacher

  6. I think it's so fun that you guys videochatted! I hope to do that with my classes one day! I'm a new follower and saying hi from A Teacher's Treasure!

