Friday, June 14, 2013

The Best Part of Me!

Happy Friday!!
This weekend I will be busy working on report cards because we only have 2 1/2 days left! That's right, we get out on Wednesday! I know most of you are out for the summer already, but we have still been chugging along!

I've mentioned my sweet friend LeAnn several times, because she is a constant source of inspiration! When I visited her classroom a while back (we teach at different schools), I saw her students' adorable "Best Part of Me" pictures and writings. I knew I had to do it with my kiddos!

The original lesson is from Genia Connell on Scholastic's website. {here}

I ordered The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald online to use for the lesson.

 I love the idea of the book and that the author went into 3rd-5th grade classrooms and the pictures were  great inspirations for my students to start thinking about the best part of them and to understand what their final product was going to look like. I guess I just thought there would be a lot more poems to pick from, but the book didn't have as many as I thought it would! The couple that I chose to read worked out well and my students enjoyed them.

I love how the black and white photos turned out and it looks so great having the best part of all my students on a beautiful bulletin board display for everyone to see!

Plus, I decided to make a class book with all the poems so that I can use them next year when I am teaching the lesson!


  1. I <3 this idea. The pictures are fantastic and it must be so nice for the kids to think about themselves in a positive way. Definitely want to use this idea.


  2. I love this idea - adorable activity and the kids must have love it! I am going to pin it now so I remember!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. What a great project! I am pinning this for next year. I think it would make a great display for when parents come in for conferences. I'm a fellow 4th grade teacher and your newest follower. Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. I love love love "The Best Part of Me". I used to do a project just like yours, but haven't done it in a few years... your students' projects look beautiful!!!
    Becky :)

  5. What a sweet and memorable lesson! I'm sure parents will treasure those projects! Thanks for sharing!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  6. What a great writing activity! Adding this to my list of "back to school" activities.
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  7. How sweet! These will be treasures for parents for years to come!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  8. What a sweet idea!! I wonder if I could alter it to work with my kinder kids...

    Lifelong Learners in Prep

  9. Oh my goodness, there are WONDERFUL! Looking at the pictures and reading the sweet words each student wrote makes me so happy. Teaching upper el., our kids can be so tough on themselves and this is the age in which they start becoming more self aware. I am SO doing this next year and can only hope my turn out half as good!!

    Young Teacher Love Blog

  10. This is one of my favorite lessons to do. I have had my kids write about their favorite part and I have also had them write a cinquain poem about it. Both ways always turn out great and it always makes for an amazing display. You pictures are truly remarkable. Love it!!

    The Teaching Thief

  11. This is precious! Thanks for sharing such a great idea!


  12. Molly they are wonderful!!!! I'm going to borrow your samples now! LeAnn

  13. this is just what I Need to do thanks so much!!!
    Miss Claus

  14. I love these and so want to do this at the start of the year with my new fourth graders. Is there a particular format for the writing, or were students able to come up with their own? It looked like some rhymed and some didn't...does it matter? Any info. or formatting suggestions would be fabulous.
    Thank you! ~Malena
