Friday, November 2, 2012


Holy moly! November is already here! And the really crazy thought... we have Thanksgiving break in just TWO weeks, and then after that the Christmas craziness begins! I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by! I must say though, I am loving every second of it!

Ok, when it comes to Erin Condren I am SOOO indecisive! It is crazy! I have been wanting to order a new life planner ever since the new ones came out, however my current EC planner goes until December so I had plenty of time to decide... BUT November is already here and I can't make up my mind on which cover colors I want for my new planner! Then I thought I finally narrowed it down, but as I went to place the order last night I was having second thoughts... haha of course these are the important things in life, right?! I'm setting a deadline for myself of this weekend, so I have to make up my mind by then!

And I have desperately been needing a replacement charger for my camera. The original charger somehow disappeared, and when I finally received the new charger I ordered, it didn't work! Lame! I wish I could just find a replacement one in a store, but the first time around no one carried it! So I have been having to stick to my iPad to take pictures, and let's just say that they don't turn out nearly as good. Not only are they super pixely (word?), but I can't even THINK about zooming in or all I get is one big blur. (I am keeping my fingers crossed for a DSLR for my birthday though, which is in a little over a month, so I'm hoping that I will jump from blah to amazing pictures in the near future!)

I have several Putumayo CDs, but this is my current fav! I play it while the kids are coming into the classroom and unpacking! It has a great variety of music from all over the world!

I'm linking up with fabulous Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade!
Oh' boy fourth grade
Go check her out and join in the party! :)


  1. I have never used a planner but those Erin Condren planners really make me want one badly! There are just so many amazing ones to choose from though!

    I too lost my camera charger this summer. I saw one on Amazon for $14 and didn't end up buying it because I was sure I could find it. Then when I gave up and went back to buy it, that one was gone and the only option was a $60 charger. Yea right! I found some cheap knock off for only $4 and it works just perfectly! Hopefully you have good luck with your charger situation! In the future I want to get a really fancy camera too. I love photography!

    That CD looks wonderful! I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  2. How about putting that planner on your Christmas list? I can't afford one, so I am hoping Santa knows I have been good all year :)
    Enjoy some time off this weekend.
    My Second Sense

  3. I ordered myself an Erin Condren planner this year and I LOVE it!! It was well worth it. I ordered the favorite things planner. I love being able to see all the personalized things I put on it. It's a good choice if you're thinking of getting one!!
    The Hive

  4. I'm with Rikki! I love my planner! Although, I would rather have a full-time personal assistant. Ha! I found you from our link up and am your newest follower!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  5. Oh my sound almost as indecisive as me! My friends always give me a hard time because I will "shop" online and have my carts filled, but by the time I click to order the items are usually sold out!! Agh! Just found your blog and am your newest follower. :)

    Teaching Maddeness
    PS - Come enter my giveaway for a fabulous monogrammed Grateful Bag!

  6. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm your newest follower :)
    The Hive

  7. I absolutely adore your blog! It is so cute! Pink is my favorite color too! I am your newest follower!
