Monday, June 3, 2013

2013 Class T-Shirts

Happy Monday!
We still have 2 and a half weeks of school left, but so much to squeeze in!
Plus, I just started my last master's class tonight!! 
So excited, but so busy!

I realized today that I never posted a pic of our class t-shirts from this year!

Last year was the first time I got class t-shirts (you can see them here) from Whitney Daniels Designs and they were such a hit, we just had to do it again!

The kids draw their self-portrait on an index card, and then we send them all in and they put them together in this fabulous design!

We wear these shirts on all our field trips, and they are a great memento for students (and for me)! I gave my kiddos a choice of 4 colors this year, and they voted on their favorite. I also had the students who wanted to draw me do a sample, and then the class voted on the one they liked the best! Kind've neat to see how my look changes from year to year! :)

Hope you all had a great Monday! I can't wait to post pictures of our classroom door that I put up Friday! We are just working on a couple finishing touches, but it has been SO much fun!


  1. So cute! Just pinned for next year :)
    Fun in Room 4B

  2. I love these! I would also have loved having one of these in school and looking back at it now. Great idea. :D

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. Those shirts are so cool! I love how you had one of your students draw a picture of you!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. cool shirts I love your article about Clothing & Landry . It is very motivating.

  5. Were they expensive? I love them!
