Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday!

This week has been super busy and since I haven't been able to blog much about what's been going on in my classroom, I thought I would link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to give you a peak at what we've been up to!

We have been learning about some of the benefits of microorganisms in science and talking about how microbes are everywhere! We put that to the test in our class using petri dishes! Students made predictions where they would find a lot of microbes and not as many microbes, and then they swabbed the area and rubbed it on a petri dish. We even tested just the air by keeping a petri dish open for 30 seconds. So much fun! And the kids loved seeing all the microbe colonies!
{This picture was taken right after we did them, so you can't see any colonies yet!}

On Tuesday we took a train trip to Mission San Juan Capistrano! We have been learning about the California missions in social studies, and my kiddos had so much fun seeing one in person! And after a rainy Monday, we thankfully had beautiful weather for our trip!

Also, this week I started (and finished) reading The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan! I had been wanting to read it for a while, but after reading {and loving!} all the Percy Jackson books, I couldn't get into reading a Rick Riordan book without him as one of the characters! Now, since it's been a while since I read those books, I could finally get into it, and now I can't wait to read the next book in this series!

Last weekend for Cinco de Mayo {I know, a little out of order} my husband and I went to Old Town to celebrate because they were having a huge event! I love seeing the old one room schoolhouse there! So crazy to think about how different teaching was back then!

And check out these "instructions to the teachers!" Things have definitely changed!

And last, but not least, we made our Mother's Day paintings!
{I posted about them here from last year if you want to see the step-by-step process!}

Then they decorated construction paper to wrap up their gift!

Hope you all had a wonderful week!


  1. I was also a bit unsure about The Red Pyramid since it didn't have Percy, but I read the series and liked it!

    Down Under Teacher

  2. Hi Molly~ We love Rick Riordan. I got to walk past him once in a book store! I waited about 5 hours for the opportunity! ;)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Love your kids' paintings! Also, I remember how much my fifth graders loved their petri dish "experiences"! What fun and learning!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  4. I opened up our school "Science Experiments Only" frig yesterday and saw yucky stuff growing in petri dishes....labeled-water fountain, door handle, cafeteria door....Ewwww!
    The Mother's Day paintings are beautiful!
    Rick Riordan is from our community. We were fortunate to have him visit with our fifth graders! Amazing!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  5. Your field trip looks absolutely beautiful! I LOVE those Mother's Day paintings. Have a great weekend!


  6. I love those paintings! So pretty!!! I'd love to receive that as a mom! It sounds like your week was full of history and fun!! :O)

    Collaboration Cuties

  7. Love the paintings! They turned out so cute!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  8. Those paintings turned out beautifully! What a busy week you have had! I'm sure that one room school house was a trip ;) We sure have come a long way!

    Fun in Room 4B
