Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Golden Ticket & Dr. Seuss Part 2

I got an extra sweet surprise in the mail today!
Not only did I get my new Erin Condren notepads (thanks for the Valentine's Day gift EC :) ), BUT I also got one of their Golden Tickets!!! Seriously, SO excited! It came with a $10 gift card and chocolate bar! Such a wonderful surprise... definitely brought a huge smile to my face!

Gosh, it seems like Dr. Seuss week was forever ago, but we actually ended it last Friday! Crazy! Even though I'm sure everyone has moved on (I know we have!), I wanted to share just a few more of the fun Seussy things we did in our classroom!
(If you didn't see my first Dr. Seuss post, you can check it out here)

I took the pictures from our Dr. Seuss photo booth to make our door display!

I loved Teri's birthday hat and lettering, so I used that for inspiration!

I saw this awesome pin floating around Pinterest, but unfortunately I haven't been able to track down the original site! I loved the idea though, so after reading Oh, the Places You'll Go!, we made our own goals for where we would like to go/what we would like to do in the future!

And of course we wrote about it too...

These turned out SUPER neat, and I can't wait for their parents to read them at the end of the year! 
(I'm going to put them in the pack I make of each student's work!)

And last, but not least, a few of the truffula tree pencils that my kiddos made with one of my college volunteers! These were inspired by Victoria! They were really easy to make and only took a couple minutes per kid! Then my volunteer hot glued the tissue paper to the pencil!

Hope you all are having a great week so far!
We are doing so many neat things right now in science and math, I can't wait to share them! I just wish I had more time to keep up with everything! :)


  1. I love seeing the Dr. Seuss stuff for the older kids :) I do a Lorax in April for Earth Day, but usually nothing for his birthday. Maybe next year I will! Pinned!

    Fifth in the Middle

  2. I am in March-Pinterest-Heaven with this post! Ha! Thank you for such great ideas!


    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  3. Hi, I appreciate this lovely post. I remember as a kid loving the cat but now I've grown up I've realized he basically broke in and tricked the kids to making him stay and destroy their house. XD Still love him though, because at least it was fun doing it.
    dr seuss cd

  4. Awww, there is so much I love about this!! So adorable!!!

    I am pinning this for next year!! Or maybe the end of the year!
    Collaboration Cuties

  5. We read "Oh, the Places You'll Go" during Read Across America Week, too. The kids wrote their Bucket Lists as a follow-up activity. It is so cute when the parents come in and read them. They are alwys surprised by at least one or two things on the list. Thanks for sharing, Stacy @ http://new-inroom-202.blogspot.com

  6. Enjoyed this post and would love to use the goal sign activity next year with my students. Thanks for sharing!

  7. These are all SEUSStastic ideas! I love that you posted your photo booth pics on the door. The signs project is great too. And thanks for linking to me for the Truffula tree pencil craft. I saw it on Pinterest and came to see all your fun ideas. I've pinned this post. Come add your post link to my Link Collection too: http://www.obseussed.com/p/books.html
