Sunday, October 21, 2012

California Regions

 I LOVE teaching about California history because I grew up in Illinois, so when I started teaching 4th grade, I learned all kinds of new things about California that I didn't know before! And no one knows how to teach CA history better than my good friend LeAnn! She has been teaching 4th grade for a while and has tons and tons of fabulous ideas on teaching social studies! Whenever I meet up with her I always leave with lots of great ideas that I can bring right to my classroom!

As part of our 4th grade California Social Studies curriculum, our students learn about the 4 regions of California. Of course when I talked with LeAnn about how she teaches this, she showed me the wonderful region foldables that she has her students make. Here is how they turned out in my classroom:

The kids have SO much fun making these! As we read about the regions in our social studies textbook, the students write down 6 interesting facts about the region and specific places that are in that region. 

Then we do a directed draw that goes along with each region on the outside of the foldable.

 The directed draws are so easy and my students always do such a great job on them! I love how surprised they always are with how good their drawings turn out!


  1. That looks awesome!! Also I didn't know you were from Illinois! IL, what what! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. Looks great. I love CA history. I think that would be the best part about teaching 4th.

  3. I love this idea! We are learning about the different regions right now!

  4. Help! Can you tell me how you do directed drawings of the regions? Do you have a resource for this? Thank you!

    1. Hi! I just responded to your comment on facebook, but I figured I will reply here as well! I don't have directions, I just go off the pictures! I got the idea from my friend and she gave me a previous student's to use as a sample! Hopefully you can kind've see the pictures from above and use those to do the directed drawings! :)

    2. Thanks for getting back to me! Do you have each student do a different region or do they all do each region?

  5. Ok. I am just seeing that these are a foldable. :) Did you use 11 x 18?

  6. We are doing this today! I can't wait to blog about it and link up to you!

  7. I am like Mrs. Tyner. Needing lots of instructions about these foldables. Would you be able to post a picture of each region? Maybe a close up of each one? I am so much in need of remedial help. I want to teach next door to you and LeAnn. Any help is most appreciated. I am new to 4th grade.

    1. Hi!! I hope you are loving 4th grade! We just finished making these with my class this year, so I took some close up pictures today! I am planning on working on a post with them for either Friday or sometime this weekend! Hopefully that will be helpful for you! And LeAnn is amazing! I've gotten so many wonderful ideas from her!
