Saturday, August 4, 2012

Disappearing Pictures

After receiving two comments about not being able to view my pictures (Thanks Megan and Kathy!), I have found out that the pictures from a lot of my posts are not showing up anymore! I don't know if this is happening for everyone or not, but a lot of them aren't showing up for me anymore either. It seems like this just happened today, so if they aren't back up by tomorrow then I will try to go back through my posts and upload all my pictures again. SO sorry for anyone who is trying to read my blog and is just seeing a bunch of blue boxes with question marks in them! I promise I'll get it fixed soon, one way or another! :(


  1. No problem! I just want to see all these great ideas... switching from 1st to 4th this year and I feel like I am moving to Mars or something ;)

  2. Congratulations! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Hop over to Teacher Talk to claim the award.
