Sunday, July 1, 2012

July Currently & Book Study Day 1!

July is here! And of course, what better way to start off the month than by linking up with Farley's Currently party!

Make sure you stop boy Farley's Blog to link up and see what other people are up to!
Oh' boy fourth grade

Also, today was the first day of our Daily 5 book study!! Abby from Third Grade Bookworm did a fantastic job starting us off with chapter 1! You can head over to We Read, We Blog, We Teach to see what Abby had to say about the 1st chapter and reflect on how the Daily 5 will fit in with your own management techniques! 


  1. I am currently reading The Daily 5 and just finished up Chapter 4. It'll be neat to read other's take on it! Thanks for sharing...I found you @ Farley's Currently Linky! Have a great week!

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  2. Hi Molly . . . when that dinger goes off, give me a shout. I could use some CAKE!!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  3. I LOVE Wicked! It is one of my all time favorite musicals, and I agree with Kelly, give me a ring when your buzzer goes off!

  4. Wicked is coming to WA in October. I have wanted to see it for a long time...I just might have to break down and go. I LOVE the soundtrack!

    I am curious about the daily 5...I might have to pick up the book soon and give it a try.

  5. I am going to see Wicked tonight! So excited!

  6. I love Wicked! I am your newest follower.

    I just started a teaching blog too. So excited to follow you.

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  7. mmmmm cake!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  8. Molly,
    I am glad you liked them! They are so cute, and they have many options, very versatile.
    I am in Orange County- just a hop, skip and a jump away. Perhaps in the next SoCal meet up we can actually meet up! What reading/math/science and social studies series do you use in SD?

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  9. Love Wicked. It will change how you see The Wizard of Oz. When you finish you classroom sign....send me a copy:-) I get to see Jersey Boys this month.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  10. Hello Molly! Nice to meet you! I also love Wicked. :) AND I absolutely have to tell you - I found your post about readers notebooks a while ago through Pinterest, and have to say that you've been a huge inspiration for what I would like to try to implement in my classroom this year! I love your idea, and yours look so fantastic! :D

  11. Love Wicked! Last year our principal used Defying Gravity as our theme - it was amazing!

  12. I love Wicked! Defying Gravity is such a great song...and a great theme!!!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  13. What about "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good" or "I'm through accepting limits, 'cause someone says they're so. Some things I cannot change, but til I try I'll never know!"

    Love that musical :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  14. Hi Molly
    You may have already gotten this, but your blog is so cute I wanted to give it the Versatile Blogger award. Come check it out.
    The Caffeinated Classroom

  15. I also wanted to pass along a versatile blogger award to you, here! :)

  16. Actually I meant here. Still trying to get the hang of posting links! :)

  17. Hi Molly! I was just awarded the Versatile Blogger award and am passing it on to you. I love the name of your website. I try to put a humorous spin on everything I do with my kids. (Sometimes it isn't hard - kids do say the darndest things, don't they?) I think if I can get them to laugh, I can get them to relax and learn. Have a happy 4th.

  18. I am a new follower and I am giving you the Versatile Blogger Award. Look at my blog to see how the award works. You have great ideas!

    Teaching Star Students

  19. Just took a look around your site & would like to offer you an award - accept your award here:

    ~ Kimberlee ~

    Two Fulbright Hugs

  20. So glad I found your blog today!

