Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday Made It & Really Good Stuff Finalist!!

I am linking up with my sweet friend Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It!!

I am constantly losing my keys at school! I don't have one set place to put them, so they always wind up everywhere! On my desk, on the counter, in my purse, on the back table... you get the picture! All year I have been wanting to designate a specific spot to hang my keys, and now, with 2 1/2 days of school left, I finally have it!


There is a spot right next to my door that is the perfect place!
To create my key hook I used a white letter I bought from Michaels.
(I forgot to take a "before" picture, but just picture the M white and without glitter!)
Then I covered it with Modge Podge and sprinkled Martha Stewart glitter on top.

I used the pink on the bottom, 4th over from the right! 
I love, love, LOVE glitter and this set is amazing! I love all the bright colors!


Check out Tara's blog to see all of the fabulous things that other bloggers created!

In other news...

I am SO extremely excited to be a finalist in the 2012 Really Good Education Blog Awards from Really Good Stuff!

I LOVE Really Good Stuff and all of their amazing supplies for my classroom!! It is such an honor to be a finalist for this award! I would absolutely love if you could take just a few seconds (ok, probably a minute) to vote for my blog!

All you have to do is:
2. Click on the "Best New" tab

3. Click the circle next to Lessons with Laughter
4. Enter your email and click "Submit your vote"

Voting begins on Monday, June 18th and ends on Friday, June 22nd, 2012.

The prizes for the winners are amazing!
"Winners receive top blog roll placement, badges that indicate the award, a Teachers’ Lounge blog feature, invitation to guest post on The Teachers’ Lounge, and a $75 Really Good Stuff gift certificate."

Thank you so, so much!!! 
I really appreciate the time you take to stop by to read my blog and leave such sweet comments!!


  1. Yeah my busy friend!!! You found time to craft and link up:))) I'm too excited and love your key holder:))) Adding that to my list:))) Congrats on your nomination:))))

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Martha Stewart glitter is the BEST!! I love it with such a big, giant love. SUPER cute idea! Good luck with the RGS blog award. You deserve it!


  3. Molly, this is SO SMART! I seriously lose my keys every single day five times a day! I think I might have to do this!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  4. LOVE that idea! Adding it to my to-do list:)

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  5. Congrats, Molly, on being a finalist! I found out this morning that RGS has it set up so readers have to vote in EVERY category for it to go through. Just FYI . . . good luck!

    PS - LOVE the big M!!

    The Corner On Character

  6. This turned out so cute!! Unfortunately, if I don't wear my keys around my neck at all times - I loose them ;) TY for sharing!
    The Sweet Life of Third Grade ~ We're having a SWEET giveaway!

  7. Ooo good idea! I need to hang mine near the door next year (in case of emergency) and this is such a cute way to do it! Congrats on the nomination!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  8. Congrats on your nomination! I love the key idea. I too am always losing mine.


  9. Congrats on being nominated! That is terrific. I've seen lots of post about Martha Stewart glitter.. I must check it out!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

    P.S I always lose my keys too :/ I can't count the number of times the custodians had to come unlock my door for me... opps.

  10. I LOVE the key idea...Only I'd forget to hang them up. I had a student this year who ALWAYS knew where they were...I'm going to miss him next year!

    Owl Things First
    ps...I voted for you!

  11. Thank you for sharing this, I always put down my keys and then have to hunt for them.

    Little Treasures

  12. I just voted for your awesome blog! I LOVE the colors and the great ideas you share!
    Inside The Classroom

  13. What a cool key hold, I love the glitter, thanks for sharing.


  14. Hi Molly
    I always lose my keys, too. And my lesson plans. My kids learn that about me in a hurry. They're always telling me where stuff is. I'm a new follower, by the way. Come visit me sometime.
    The Caffeinated Classroom

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE glitter too! And I'm always losing my keys too. This is a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

    I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll check out my new "manly" kindergarten blog!

