Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pourquoi Tales

I love teaching my students about pourquoi tales because not only are they fun to read, but the kids love writing their own! "Pourquoi" is French for "why" and pourquoi tales tell how or why something came to be (ex: why tigers have stripes, or why penguins can't fly). I start off by incorporating other languages my students speak and having them guess the meaning of "pourquoi." I usually have a few Spanish speakers who know that "por quĂ©" means "why" in Spanish, and are able to guess the meaning of the similar French word! Then if any of my students speak other languages, I have them share how to say "why" in that language!

After we read a couple pourquoi tales and discuss their key elements, I pass out copies of our animal magazines (I get a copy of Zoonooz every month as part of my San Diego Zoo membership), and the students start thinking of animals that they may want to write a pourquoi tale about, paying attention to the specific features of different animals.

Why Hammerhead harks have flat heads                     Why zebras have black and white stripes

Why lions have manes 
Why polar bears are white

 Why cheetahs have spots                                                       Why flamingos are pink

When I stapled their stories up to the bulletin board, I wanted to make sure that people could read them, so I only stapled the back page. Well of course, then all the other pages kept hanging down and it didn't look so pretty! Solution... paper clips!!! I paper clipped the front pages to the back page and now they stay up perfectly! Anytime someone wants to read one of the pourquoi tales they just have to remove the paper clip, and then put it pack when they are done! 

Click on the picture to get the Elements of Pourquoi Tales organizer:

Here are some great pourquoi tales that you can add to your classroom library!


  1. Awesome post & idea Molly! My students read Native American Pourqoui Tales about how the Sun Came to be in the Sky and year I will incorporate students writing their own! Brilliant!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    One Teacher's Take

  2. I love using pourquoi tales in the classroom with my 4th graders. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I've never heard of the pourquoi tales but I will be sure to use these, especially as a nic casual teaching day activity! Thanks for sharing a wonderful idea and resource! Would love it if you came over and checked out my blog My Mum, the Teacher xo

  4. Love this, love this, love this!!!! I have never heard them called this and wasn't on the computer all when I saw your post come up on my phone, I was totally dying to know what it was!!!! I have one of the books you posted but need to get more!!! I am totally doing this next week:)) Thanks for the awesome idea!!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  5. I love folktales and these tales are sooo fun!

    Thanks for your super sweet email. It made my morning much brighter!! :)

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
