Monday, March 12, 2012

Paper Plate Weaving & Facebook

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! I wanted to share some pictures of our weavings that my students did a few weeks ago when we were finishing up our study on Native Americans. One of the best teachers I know and my amazing mentor, LeAnn, showed me this fun weaving project that she does with her students every year. 
While learning about the different California Native American tribes, students discovered that many tribes used weaving to make all kinds of items, from baskets to blankets and rugs. Although they saw pictures of the final products that were created, they did not realize the process required for weaving. This was a fun way for them to learn and understand how weaving is actually done!

To get the plates ready, I first cut out an odd number of small slits around the outside of the plate. Of course I completely forgot to take pictures along the way, but if you are interested in seeing the process from the beginning let me know and I will recreate it and take pictures for you! But here are pictures of some of their wonderful weavings!

Also, I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to Stacy at Mrs. Johnson's First Grade! She had a special St. Patty's Day giveaway and I was one of the lucky winners! That is the first thing I have won from a blog and I was super excited! She gave me a $20 Amazon Gift Card AND her St. Patrick's Math Center Games! Of course I headed over to Amazon right away and my shipment is being processed as I type! So thank you SO MUCH Stacy for having such a fabulous giveaway!

Mrs. Johnson

And last, but not least, I just created a Facebook page fan page for my blog! 
Woo hoo!
Head on over here if you would like to follow it!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate all of you for following my blog and giving me so much inspiration from your wonderful posts as well! And I am planning to have the first giveaway of my own when I reach 100 followers! Keep yours eyes out for it!


  1. I am following you on FB! Love the weaving!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I LOVE the weaving activity! I had to make the "reading tree" you posted about last week. I introduced it to my students yesterday. They loved it! It's already filled with awesome book suggestions.

    Have a great week!

  3. I LOVE this!!! They came out beautifully!! And if you don't mind whenever you get the chance I would love to see the whole process with pics, that always helps me! I need to do this next year with them. Several years ago I bought one of the cheap plastic weave loom things that you can make potholders with. Some of the holder pieces have broken off, so I haven't been able to use it to show them weaving. So this will be a great, fun way for them to learn! Yay! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  4. I would also love to see the steps! This is awesome.

  5. I am so glad you got your Amazon order fulfilled:) Thanks for the shout out too! These
    weaving projects are awesome! I had never heard of weaving on paper plates! I'm heading over to your FB!

    Mrs Johnson's First Grade

  6. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments! I am going to take pictures and post step-by-step instructions later this week!


  7. Hi Molly:

    I didn't want to leave this on your giveaway post, so I am sneaking it in here... I hope you still check your older posts...

    Thank you for considering my blog worthy of an award. Although this “Thank you” message is arriving late, it is still sent with heartfelt gratitude.

    I am so appreciative!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
