Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lunchbox Linky

I am linking up with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics, who is having her very first linky party!


Everyone so far seems to say that their lunches are not too fun and their lunch boxes are old, however, I have no lunch box (sad, I know!) and my standard lunch usually consists of a mini coke and a salad. Sometimes I will switch it up and have tuna and crackers or campbell's soup, but that is pretty much it for my lunch variety!

I love seeing the fresh fruit that some people have and am thinking I need to add that to my lunch too! I try to keep my lunch simple because it feels like I am always so busy and this is about as easy as it gets! A lot of times I will just pack for the week and bring in a plastic bag on Monday full of my salads and sodas for the week. I would love to have a cute Thirty-one bag like so many teachers have! They are adorable! And then maybe I could get more creative with my lunches... 
but until then, this is about as exciting as it gets!

As far as our lunch time, we start school at 8:15 and go to lunch at 12:10. The kids eat from 12:10-12:30 and then play from 12:30 until 12:50. I have lunch duty 3 times a week, two days I watch them while they eat and the third day I watch them while they play. It's nice because I always get at least 20 minutes to eat lunch. My favorite days though are the two days a week where I get a full 40 minute break! It is definitely appreciated! I just started a homework club this month so on the last Friday of the month, the kids who turned in all their homework for the whole month get to have lunch in the class with me and I will bring in a little treat for them! I am looking forward to this!

If you haven't yet, head on over to Tara's blog to link up!
She is also having a fabulous lunchbox giveaway, which I am really hoping to win because I could definitely use one!

And even if you don't link up, she has a super cute blog with lots of wonderful ideas, so be sure to check it out!


  1. I like your idea for a homework club! I think I might do that too. Good idea!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. A lunchbox give away is such a great idea. I bring lunch to school every day so it has to be cute! HA! Mine is pink :)

  3. I pack my lunch in a plastic bag, too - I'd love to have a cute lunch bag!


  4. Ohhhhh! You have to win:) You need a pink lunch bag and not a plastic bag...lol! Thanks for the shout out and linking up:) I get caught up in the busy stuff and don't leave time to eat either but am trying to get better about that because I am dieting and if I don't eat at school by the time I get home I'm starving and then it's "eat everything in sight!" So trying hard to take that time for me:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  5. Aww, I hope you win too so you can get a cute lunch bag! I wish I liked salads! That would add some variety to my lunch :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  6. I found you through the lunchbox linky! Love your blog! Come check mine out sometime!
    Teaching, Learning, & Loving
